Welcome to I AM Healing Gifts Centre
We are a Sacred Healing Centre and a Crystal Gift Store, located on the Gold Coast at Coomera. We are a collective of professional practitioners supporting holistic health, well-being and spiritual growth that welcomes absolutely everybody from all walks of life to come and heal Emotionally and Physically. We will meet you where you are in your journey with open arms to assist you any way we can. Through Meditation, Yoga, Kundalini, Readings, Counselling, Numerology, Past life regression, Healing Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Naturopath, Bowen Therapy, Breath work, Reflexology, Sound Healing, Workshops and more.
We also have a Heart Centred gift shop full of unique and inspiring hand created local gifts, with self help books, oracle cards, essential oils, smudge & incense, crystals, a beautiful range of I AM Jewellery and more.
The I AM Healing Gifts Centre Coomera was lovingly birthed by Sonia and her vision and passion to assist herself and all walks of life to return to love.
From a young age Sonia was curious about life, and often wondered why we were all here on earth, and what our purpose here was. It was a question that she pondered daily into her adult years and through curiosity she started exploring life on a deeper dimension. Through many events Sonia started to realise that she was different to many around her, and struggled daily with her emotions. As Sonia started her own healing journey, she became aware that she was highly sensitive to all kinds of energy, from people to food, chemicals, noise and much more.
Then she discovered Yoga and Meditation and this is where the real healing began. Sonia started to honour her gifts of intuition and connection to all things, and use them to help herself and many around her. It all started with just a small home studio with weekly meditation groups and handmade healing crystal bracelets.
Each year she would add more elements to her home studio as it grew, such as Children's Workshops, designing more jewellery and adding healing gifts for her clients. In the background, her vision was becoming reality with her supportive husband Tama and amazing team of family and friends around her, she created The I AM Healing Gifts Centre. Sonia always had a vision to open a sacred space: a space that people would walk into and instantly feel loved and safe.
Sonia has many gifts and one of them is helping children feel safe and loved. Sonia spends most days raising her two beautiful boys and intuitively creating healing bracelets for children and adults, helping all to connect to their infinite well of wisdom and inspiration to help live from their truth more and more.
Come and say Hello and BE INSPIRED.

Sonia is a sensitive, compassionate soul with a passion for meditation, helping children and people from all walks of life, believe in themselves. Sonia lives her life through her intuition and her open heart space and loves to assist others to do the same.
I AM HEALING GIFTS was manifested into existence by Sonia visualising and dreaming of a space that is over flowing with love, where from the moment you arrive, you feel inspired and safe to simply BE YOU! If you haven't experienced I AM please come and gift yourself a visit!!
Come feel the love and experience for yourself exactly what Sonia, her amazing husband and beautiful boys have created.
1/7 De Barnett Street
Coomera, Gold Coast
Ph: 07 56656822